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You know I love photography, you know my documetery style as shown through out the website…




How much I love leggings and long shirt?! It’s almost all that I wear


Eating ice cream and watching Grimm while editing is my favorite.  even more so if that ice cream is capanino crunchy chocolate ice cream.


Or about how nerdy I am with my love of sicfi action? I mean I am a Whovain after all, are you? 


There are also things I don’t like, or more like despise.  Such as whip cream!


But I don’t want to stay negative to long so lets go back to what I DO like.  Such as my addiction to sour patch kids.  Or how excited I get when my cherry limeades from Sonic have more then one cherry in the cup!  


I also love to try new foods, however I am a big baby if anything is slightly hot



I can be pretty spontaneous, crazy and fun along with having the heart of an introvert.



My favorite past time is to curl up with a good but and a cup of coffee or tea.  



I am in the DFW Texas area, raised in Mansfield and living in Cleburne.


I am a mother to one along with a wife to one.  Both of my guys are my world and I truly love being both a wife and a mother.  And when I’m not capturing memorize you might very well see me at the museum, at a playdate or twisting balloons at a party or event you attend.  I love to twist balloons and have been doing so since 2010.  I am also a Christ follower, daughter, sister, and friend.  With each of these many titles I am in all of them a Storyteller.


I tell my story and your story.  Because at the end of the day, you only have the stories to tell that will continue down through the generations.


I will capture who you are right now, today.  Your relationships, your emotions and feelings, where you are developmentally and the every day gems that you don’t even know that you would miss until they are gone.  Such as those first few days with your new baby.  That year your child lost 6 teeth and their mouth had so many wholes or the moment your when your house was a mess with little finger prints everywhere.  None of those moments with stay around forever for they are felting in a blink of an eye.  Lets capture them before they do.




Kourtnie Elizabeth

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